Because I’m Not So Smart…

Because I’m Not So Smart…

Bed? Whose Bed? Mine? But…Everyone Already Knows Me There!

Full disclosure about to come:

I fell asleep on the couch at about 7:30 last night. I woke up at 12:21 and mustered up the energy to get up, brush my teeth, get undressed (yeah, any woman who reads this is picturing taking off her bra before going to bed and sighing that sigh of relief… why do women think it’s important to wear bras anyway? I mean, I get it if you’re playing sports or if you have like an E cup, but I am – at best – a B cup and that’s an exaggeration, so why do I wear these contraptions, if only to breathe that sigh of relief at night when I get to take it off?) and I crawl into bed. My man, who had evidently gotten himself off the couch earlier, walks out of his makeshift office in the basement. He hugs me sweetly and whispers, “shhhh, don’t wake up too much; you’ll never be able to go back to sleep.”

He knows me so much better than I do. After having a conversation, playing around on facebook, and getting back up to have something to drink, use some sinus relief, and – ultimately – pouring a glass of red wine, I am STILL WIDE AWAKE! It is currently 5:38 am and I am blogging, partially because I neglected it due to all the moving business and partially due to the simple fact that I couldn’t fall asleep now if I tried.


And so I lied. I must have zoned out right after typing how I was oh-so-wide awake. I remember it being 6:04 when I closed my laptop, removed it from my legs, and shoved it under the coffee table. I very briefly contemplated finishing my half-empty glass of wine on said coffee table and going back to bed, but then had the very conscious thought of not wanting to wake back up fully again. So I laid down on the couch and was awoken by James at 8:30 am. So, all in all, I did get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep last night, only not consecutively and with a 5-hour break in between. Oh, and some wine and cold pizza, the rest of the package mike&ikes and good&plenty.


Naturally, I woke up feeling even fatter than yesterday or the last month. I have worked out exactly three times since we got back from vacation. Four times since before we left for vacation, due to that one trail run in the dunes with the kids over the 9 days that we were gone. Our goal was to start an exercise regime right after getting back from vacation, and we did. We went for a trail run ONCE! About a week later. And I wore my old shoes which gave me a blister. So luckily, now I had an excuse to not work out again until my blister was healed. Evidently, I figured it might also give me an excuse to just eat whatever I wanted for another couple of weeks until I now feel like a beached whale. The other two workouts are nothing to even mention… barre classes are more of me-time thing and they sure are fun, but I wouldn’t say they even compare to a 20-minute jog in terms of burning calories and losing weight, or feeling like you just worked out/worked up a sweat.

So, we needed a plan. And, to clarify: We are not fat people, we just feel fat. Any body shape is good, as long as you’re healthy and happy with how you look and feel. Truthfully, James and I probably wouldn’t ever need to workout or diet, if we just watched our portions a little bit more, got enough sleep, and did the hundred steps every day. But we don’t. We enable each other, and not for the better, because we are both all-or-nothing people. We are also still so much in love with each other and each natural empaths to begin with that if one of us chooses to eat poorly and then feel badly about it, the other one almost joins in for solidarity. So the pounds have begun creeping up on us and we are both about 4 pounds heavier and 10 pounds softer than we were in the beginning of June.


So, today will be the day we get back to our plan – the one we have been postponing for the past four weeks. I have signed both of up for a 4-class introductory pass at Shred415. If you don’t know Shred415, it is an interval training where you work in two groups. One group starts on the treadmills, while the other group lifts weights. You switch every so many minutes. I’m guessing it’s every 15 minutes for 4 rotations or every 4 minutes for 15 rotations? I don’t remember. I tried it once before and remember thinking that I don’t need a heart rate monitor for this because I know it works as it makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth before I want to curl up in the corner and cry. Did I mention I was an all-or-nothing kind of person? 🙂

In addition to working out (or at least doing the hundred steps) every day this week while we are not moving furniture and while we don’t have any kids around, I will be preparing all our dinners from scratch and we will generally watch what we eat for breakfast and lunches, too. Also, I will try to sleep better and during regular sleeping hours, for a change.

I’ll be using this blog as a weight-loss, get back in shape journal, including the recipes for the meals eaten and the workouts we do. Because I refuse to count calories! And I am cheap enough to not want to spend money on myfitnesspal or other apps. Unless I don’t see or feel a difference at the end of this week. Then I might cave. So we will see.

Hi, I'm Ashley and I am a freelance writer and editor for one local and one national publication. In my spare time, I teach foreign languages and manage two households. Oh, and raise four children. It's a crazy life that I chose and I love every second of it :o)

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