
So, we are three and a half days into our what was supposed to be a five day journey to reclaim our health and fitness. Meaning I haven’t had ANY chocolate or candy, wine or soda. Plus, I have sorta kinda done a few workouts here and there. And while I feel a little bit better, I haven’t seen the scale move at all, nor do my clothes fit any better. So, what gives?

With a quick check of the calendar, my suspicions are confirmed: I’m three weeks into my cycle, so progesterone is high and estrogen is low. This is why I can’t seem to lose any weight; this is why I am tired and so cranky and dizzy when my sugar levels drop, and this is why I am still hungry even though I’ve already eaten two hard-boiled eggs for breakfast and a huge sandwich with two slices of turkey and ham each, one slice of cheese, spinach, lettuce, avocado, and cucumber for lunch. Makes sense now. Oh, just to switch things up because nobody likes boring diets, I added fresh cilantro to my sandwich today… so yummy! But it’s probably also why I’m getting these blog posts done, so yay to that! 🙂


Seriously, when is dinnertime? Another five hours till 7pm? I may need a snack in between. I’m thinking, since I have to go to the office in a half hour, I might just take an afternoon energy bar with me. Oh, and a cup of coffee, even though I do prefer my one ice cold diet Dr. Pepper in the afternoons, especially in the summer. Ok, snack time is only another 2 hours away. Good.


Can’t.Get.Motivated.To.Move. Again, that dang progesterone during the luteal phase, is kicking my butt right back onto the couch today. It makes me too tired and listless :/

So I’m thinking a nice walk around the block (okay, maybe twice around the block if need be) after dinner tonight or a barre class before dinner? Barre might not be exhausting and certainly doesn’t yield any visible, immediate results within a short amount of time, but at least I always walk out there feeling more graceful and less frumpy than I walk in. I checked the schedule and signed up for the 5:15pm class; that’ll put me back home before 7pm and I can have Monday night’s leftovers microwaved before 7pm. It’s a win-win. Monday night’s leftovers include tuna (lean protein), whole wheat spaghetti (fiber-rich carbohydrates), asparagus (iron, folate, calcium, copper, as well as five different vitamins plus fiber), peas (Vitamins C&A, plus fiber), and tomatoes (carotenoids). It’s health served up in a bowl, no? 🙂

Hi, I'm Ashley and I am a freelance writer and editor for one local and one national publication. In my spare time, I teach foreign languages and manage two households. Oh, and raise four children. It's a crazy life that I chose and I love every second of it :o)

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