Soooooooo, it’s been a loooooooooong time (can anyone put any moooooooore o’s into words LOL) since I’ve last posted on this website…

And I do realize that, in order to make a blog worth it, one needs to give the readers valuable content at all times. Problem is: I don’t think I’m that valuable. I don’t think any of my life is worth blogging about. Sure, I’m happy; possibly happier than many others. And I have four wonderful children, but they’re no more special than anyone else’s kids. My partner is amazing and often leaves me wondering why I deserve someone as wonderful as him and how his ex ever thought it was a good idea to leave this great human being for someone else.

Which brings me to why I haven’t been posting much in the past couple of months…

Look, I’m the last person to post pictures of my food on Instagram or brag about my husband on facebook. I don’t have a sticker on my car about my Mensa-IQ, gifted child. The last thing I’d ever want is to take credit for something I DIDN’T DO! As a matter-of-fact, the food I feed my family is from Aldi/Trader Joe’s and – while surely yummy and healthy – still pretty average. My fiancé is everything I’ve ever dreamed about in a husband and more, but he I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be with him if he weren’t.

My son, with his Mensa-IQ, is – frankly – annoying as hell! He’s 9 years old and feels the need to argue EVERYTHING out! Which, as long as the arguments are valid, is kind of fun for me. The rest of the family would not agree. The 12-year-old boy feels threatened when the 9-year-old starts explaining a Math problem to him. The 12-year-old, hormonal girl just lashes out at him. Did I mention she was HORMONAL? The 7-year-old couldn’t be bothered, which is kind of why she’s my favorite of the four… hey, I’m just telling it like it is LOL.

The problem with having a favorite in a blended family is that your other kids feel rejected more that they would in a nuclear family with four kids. Especially the bio-kids! My 12-year-old articulates it very well: “Mama, Du liebst sie mehr als mich.” Ummmm, no, Sweetheart, I don’t love your little step-sister more than you; it’s just that she’s inherited her father’s organizational and empathic skills (which make my life as a mom so much easier) and you’ve inherited YOUR father’s chaotic tendencies which kind of make mom-life a perpetual clean-up cycle hell. Sorry, my first-born. I’ve loved your father obviously enough to have children with him, and I will love you until the end of time – after all, it took 56 hours for you to finally release me from the pitocin-pain and have you be born. But I will be on your case relentlessly about cleaning up your room and keeping things tidy. Even more so, I will be on your case about seeing things from other people’s point-of-view. Should be easy, since you already speak four different languages; studies have shown that multilingual people are better at understanding others, so… 🙂

So, to wrap it all up, my New Year’s Resolution is to actually post something on here EVERY. DAY.

Whether I think it’s valuable or not.

Whether you think it’s valuable or not.

Just bear with me, okay?

Happy New Year!!

Hi, I'm Ashley and I am a freelance writer and editor for one local and one national publication. In my spare time, I teach foreign languages and manage two households. Oh, and raise four children. It's a crazy life that I chose and I love every second of it :o)

5 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. It is in point of fact a nice and useful piece of info. I抦 happy that you shared this helpful information with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you; clearly, I fell off the wagon again. And now started my newly set up homeschool; I’ll be writing on that this weekend… stay tuned 🙂 Take care of yourself during this Coronavirus scare! Best, Ashley

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