…because everyone has a thing or two to say about it.

Hi, Guys!

It’s Corona Virus, and Stay-at-home order time. These last few weeks, I won’t lie, were… WEIRD. I want to tell you all about how terrible they were; trying to wrangle four stir-crazy kids and worrying about a Dad, whose job was deemed “essential” and has him still enter people’s houses on a regular bases. Worrying about the Exes – both of whom have, in the past, not exactly shown much dedication to adhering to any set of rules. But, all in all, it’s been good.

It’s been GOOD. God, the Universe, Fate, whatever is out there that you can believe in, has been good to us. I’m not saying we deserve it, but we’ll take it. I’m torn between panicking – I am a mother, for crying out loud! – and feeling nothing but gratitude for the things we can still do, like spend family time with the children and going on walks. Last week, we were still able to play tennis outside and go to state parks for long hikes.

… I started writing this post in May. It’s now officially November – the month where many of us sign up for a “30-day gratefulness challenge” or something similar. In a few weeks, we will be sitting around the Thanksgiving table, each of us saying what we are grateful for this year. So before I jump into the Thanksgiving month challenge of posting every week about how grateful I am THIS month, I will go ahead and finally publish all the posts that I’ve started during the quarantine summer and never actually published. Gratitude is definitely a theme throughout these, because gratitude is a practice you can engage in every day, not just during the month of November 🙂

In gratitude,


Hi, I'm Ashley and I am a freelance writer and editor for one local and one national publication. In my spare time, I teach foreign languages and manage two households. Oh, and raise four children. It's a crazy life that I chose and I love every second of it :o)

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