Budget Dinners for Six

So, in January of 2014, I started a dinner blog for other frugal stay-at-home moms who wanted to cut cost in the kitchen. This was it: http://10dollars30days.blogspot.com/

Of course, at that time, I only had to feed four people under $10 (that was my challenge because I like to offer 3-course meals to my children), but I often came in under budget. Which gives me hope that I’ll still be able to feed my blended family of six for around $10. It’s hard right now because we are still buying groceries for two houses, but hopefully, that’ll change soon 🙂

As soon as we are all under one roof, I will start posting weekly menus; how I go about planning the meals around sales and how I get the kids involved in the planning/shopping so that even James’ kids are excited about trying new foods. After all, they come from a diet that consisted of mac&cheese, hotdogs, pop tarts, and cosmic brownies before they met my kids, who eat anything that I put on the table – from liverwurst to mussels and snails. In the picture above, my son was 3 1/2 years old. We were on vacation at the Atlantic Coast and my Dad and I had gotten 2kg of mussels directly off the docks. It took us about 2 hours to clean them, an hour to cook them, and my children (3 and 6 at the time) polished them off in about 20 minutes LOL.

Hopefully, I can start this new food section by mid-August; look for posts at that time if you want to expose your children to new foods on a budget (we will probably not be having any lobster anytime soon, sorry)…

Until Mid-August,
